Treat every day as your last day on earth. Yesterday has already gone and tomorrow may never come.

Treat every day as your last day on earth. Yesterday has already gone and tomorrow may never come.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Four-third forum in China
Hi all. I just found this very interseting site about the 4/3 system; and this author test 4 different Macro lenes and post it here. Unfortunely the text is Chinese, but I think you can use the Google translator program to do the job.

1 comment:

  1. Viewing with my eyes, the IQ from those lenses are practically identical, even at 100% pixel and viewing them side-by-side. For practical purpose, you can't really go wrong by picking the 'right' focal length for your subject. Why even bother to compare a 35mm to a 150mm lens?? For us the M4/3 users, the Panasonic 45/2.8 is very good and convenient to use.

    So you know that Kan Lun just received his GH1 + 14-140 from B&H yesterday.


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